Mandatory Forms for Campers and Leaders Attending SCR Day Camp, SCR Pre-Teen Camp, and Camp at the Creek :

  1. Camper Registration_Consent _ Release Form (Mandatory; parents/guardians must complete)
  2. Allergy _ Dietary Needs and Medication Forms (Required, if applicable; parents/guardians must complete; Medication form must be submitted with Medication at Check in)
  3. Camp Cash Order Form for Churches (Required, if desired; parents/guardians must complete)
  4. Camper Excused Release Form (Required if a camper needs to leave camp; a parent/guardian must complete with church leader’s awareness; copies of this form can be found in the camp office)
  5. Adult Leader/Volunteer Registration Consent and Release Form (Mandatory for each adult volunteer to complete)


Groups attending SCR camps are required to perform backgrounds check on all adults attending that event.  In addition, all adults must complete child abuse prevention training.  Each group must provide proof of a criminal background check and child abuse prevention training for all adults in their group upon or prior to their arrival to camp.

Groups attending SCR camps must collect and manage medications and medication forms and submit them to the nurse provided by SCR upon checkin.

Summer Camp Rental and Retreat Rental Forms

  1. Sabine Creek Liability Release (Each Individual Guest) (Required by every guest attending an event hosted at Sabine Creek Ranch)
  2. Allergy _ Dietary Needs and Medication Forms (Required, if applicable; parents/guardians must complete; Medication form must be submitted with Medication at Check in)
  3. Accident Report (Required if there is on accident; copies of this form can be also be found in the camp office)
  4. Camper Excused Release Form (Required if a camper needs to leave camp; a parent/guardian must complete with church leader’s awareness; copies of this form can be found in the camp office)


Groups renting SCR Facilities for events are required to perform backgrounds check on all adults attending that event.  In addition, all adults must complete child abuse prevention training.  Each group must provide proof of a criminal background check and child abuse prevention training for all adults in their group upon or prior to their arrival to camp.

Groups renting SCR Facilities must collect and manage medications through a nurse provided by that group.  


RV Guidelines (Click Here)