Phone Number *
Relationship to Applicant *
How long have you known this person? *
Does the applicant relate well to his/her peers? Please explain. *
What would you say is this applicant's best quality? Please explain. *
If there is an area of weakness this applicant exhibits, please indicate (eg: bad temper, difficult attitude, problems with authority, etc.). *
Are you aware of any problems with this person dealing maturely in any situation with the OPPOSITE sex? If yes, please explain. *
Are you aware of any problems with this person dealing maturely in any situation with the SAME sex? If yes, please explain. *
Would you hire this applicant to work with and supervise children? Please explain. *
How would you rate the applicant's leadership ability? * Low Below Average Average Above Average High
How would you rate the applicant's cooperation ability? * Low Below Average Average Above Average High
How would you rate the applicant's social skills abilities? * Low Below Average Average Above Average High
How would you rate the applicant's problem solving ability? * Low Below Average Average Above Average High
How would you rate the applicant's professionalism? * Low Below Average Average Above Average High
How would you rate the applicant's spiritual growth? * Low Below Average Average Above Average High
How would you rate the applicant's team work ability? * Low Below Average Average Above Average High
How would you rate the applicant's intelligence? * Low Below Average Average Above Average High
How would you rate the applicant's self-motivation? * Low Below Average Average Above Average High
How would you rate the applicant's maturity level? * Low Below Average Average Above Average High
How would you rate the applicant's physical abilities? * Low Below Average Average Above Average High
How would you rate the applicant's ability to deal with conflict? * Low Below Average Average Above Average High
How would you rate the applicant's emotional stability? * Low Below Average Average Above Average High
How would you rate the applicant's sense of humor? * Low Below Average Average Above Average High
How would you rate the applicant's personal appearance? * Low Below Average Average Above Average High
If you feel compelled to explain any of your above ratings, feel free to do that below.
Please share anything else you feel is important for us to know regarding this applicant.